3 Myths about Tinnitus Relief Tinnitus Relief Headquarters want to set the record straight about 3 myths about tinnitus relief that you may have heard, but are not true. Tinnitus , ringing in the ears, affects people to differing degrees, for some it is incredibly...
Quick Tips for Tinnitus Relief Frequently, tinnitus can’t be completely resolved; however, it doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy some sort of tinnitus relief. Some individuals “get used to it” and learn to not notice it as often as they once did....
Misconceptions about Tinnitus Have you ever experienced a buzzing or ringing in your ear? Is it constant and seems like it will never end? If so you probably have gone to a doctor and he told you that this can be a cause of Tinnitus. Have you been told that tinnitus...
Can Caffeine reduce Tinnitus? Caffeine, can it reduce the risk of tinnitus and help with tinnitus relief? As Tinnitus increases across the community, researchers are looking at multiple environmental influences to determine possible causes. This study is of interest....