Simple Guide to Alternative Therapies for Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a disconcerting and annoying ring in the ears that changes in onset and severity. Some cases after investigation have an underlying medical cause which can be successfully managed, others are intractable, that is, there is no known definite cause and subsequently no defined treatment. Alternative therapies and lifestyle changes are shared by the Tinnitus community and health professionals to improve quality of life.
Alternative Interventions for Tinnitus
There are many alternative treatments offered to help improve tinnitus symptoms, which might not work for one, while be really effective for another. They include
Diet Modification
- Reduction or removal of stimulants – this includes caffeinated drinks like coffee, black tea, cola drinks
- Reduction or removal of irritants – this would include nicotine, alcohol
- Avoidance of salt – either added or hidden in highly processed foods
Diet Supplements
One study demonstrated melatonin can help tinnitus sufferers, especially those with disturbed sleep as a result of tinnitus, however, this was a small, study and the results have not been reproduced.
Likewise with no serious studies to confirm its use, Ginkgo biloba continues to be touted as an all-natural tinnitus treatment.
Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is being used to reduce tinnitus in some individuals. This is a painless, non-invasive treatment that is being used increasingly more often in the United States and is being utilized mainly in Europe. There is anecdotal, not scientific support for this therapy.
Noise exposure Modification
Avoid extreme noise environments if possible
Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as ear-muffs and specialty ear-plugs
Reduce ear-phone volume
Sound ‘Masking’
Most people notice their Tinnitus when they are in silent settings for example, sitting reading a book, preparing for sleep. Sound Masking benefits some people using methods like:
- Music
- Television
- Radio
- Electric Fan
- Ear devices that create low level white noise
Education, Counselling and Support
Stress and anxiety are known to worsen tinnitus. Equally, having tinnitus is known to worsen stress and anxiety. A vicious cycle that can result in depression and suicidal thoughts. Seeing a psychologist, counsellor or experienced Audiologist with a true understanding of tinnitus is a helpful course of action.
Additionally, there are support communities like TinnitusReliefHQ where people share their experiences and provide encouragement and inspiration..Have you read Andrew’s experience? An extra piece of information may help a fellow sufferer- a new therapy or some new coping mechanism. Every little bit helps.
Meditation and Massage
Meditation and Massage are well accepted therapies for stress and anxiety. If stress and anxiety are factors in your tinnitus, these therapies could be very valuable to you.
Conventional Medicine for Tinnitus
Millions of people suffer from tinnitus which may result from an identifiable medical issue. Making an appointment with your doctor should not be overlooked. Assistance from your doctor, ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Specialist, TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) Specialist, or Audiologist to rule out serious health conditions is important. on your pathway to turning off or turning down the volume of your Tinnitus. They will consider:
- Impacted ear wax
- Drugs that damage nerves in the ear
- Middle ear disease
- Ageing
- Damage to hair cells in the cochlea of the ear
- TMJ and tooth grinding.
At one time or another, nearly everyone experiences ringing in their ears. It is not unusual after attending an exciting football game or a loud concert, or after taking an antibiotic for a short time or aspirin. Mostly everyone has had an experience like this and lucky for them, this ringing goes away and they do not think about it ever again. Sadly, tinnitus doesn’t always go away naturally. You should always seek a medical professional as there may be a relatively straightforward medical solution Beyond that you will need to find alternate ways to moderate and improve the tinnitus symptoms.